All of the ministries at Cedar Ridge Wesleyan Church are designed to share about the Good News of Jesus and to help believers grow in their faith.
We have a prayer chain of believers who bring requests to the Lord on behalf of those who have specific needs they share with the church.
Our members are also glad to pray with anyone as they have need.
Best Years Fellowship
Best Years Fellowship is designed for people 50+ years old. We usually meet on the third Thursday of each month (but sometimes it varies) for food and fellowship.
Everyone brings their favorite food to share or sometimes there is a catered meal.
Sunday School
We have Sunday School for all ages from babies to senior adults. We offer a variety of classes for adults. There is a class for you!
Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6 pm we have a Bible study for women of all ages. The ladies also enjoy group activities and excursions outside of the Church building.
Wednesday Night Ministries
During the school year we have a Wednesday night dinner, paid for by donations, followed by Bible studies for all ages. Dinner starts at 6:00pm, and the Bible studies are from 6:30 to 7:30. Nursery is also available during this time.
During the summer, adult and teen classes are still available.
Through Global Missions we support five missionary families who serve in various places in the world.
Women's Luncheon
The women of the church meet on the first Saturday of the month at a designated restaurant.
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Bible Study: Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m.